Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Blog About Me

I know, I know - mea culpa, I haven't been blogging in forever. I need to take my camera with me everywhere, and I need to figure out what I'm doing with this here blog. I'm a blog junkie, and sometimes I feel like there's no way I can ever be as interesting or funny as some of the uber-talented bloggers out there are. But you know, this is my blog, read it or don't, love it or not. I need to start using it for things other than a spotlight of my photography skillz/someplace to say something cute and make it meaningful to myself. And then maybe other people might READ it, but it's okay with me if it's only a place for me to get things off of my chest.
So this pic is of my and my friend Molly, who recently moved to California. Doesn't she have a great smile? I miss her. I meant to write a post about her last month, but it seemed too heavy then. Now I can just say I'm really glad we met and I'm sure if we are good about corresponding, we'll always be friends. That's important to me, just like it's important that I remain close (or at least in touch) with the friends who have known me since way back when. They are important people to me - they are the friends I have chosen to keep among the ones I weeded out for various reasons.
THIS is the kind of stuff I want to talk about - the things that are important to me - my family, my friends, the God who made the universe and everything in it...hey, I'm a spiritual person, and I don't want to censor myself for the sake of being PC - not that I am going to drown anyone in Jesus. Just I want to talk about him a little when I want to - it's a very cathartic relationship for me. So even if I never mention his name again, there it is. This is me.

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