Edith (GG) and Bert Young
Louise's Uncle Paul and his wife Lillian take Louise in for awhile, but since it is the depression, it is a hardship on them, and Lillian wants Louise out. They argue and Louise overhears this. Therefore her father takes Louise to live with him, but he has been remarried to a lady also named Nellie (coincidence - ? or !), and this makes Louise angry, as her own mother is not even dead a year yet. Needless to say, there are many conflicts, resulting in Louise being sent to live with the principal of her school in exchange for room and board.
Louise finishes school and lands a job at a soda fountain, becoming whatever the female version of "soda jerk" is. Or maybe she is still in school, okay - Nick doesn't know everything! :)
At this time, she meets a lovely boy in overalls named Bert Young.
Dear reader, we now continue with some Bert Young backstory! (that's him in the above pic, with his Mommy)
Bert is the son of Elmer Young and his wife, Laura Edith Shutt Young. He is born in Winterst, Iowa, and is not a relation of John Wayne, who was also born there. Also no relation to Clint Eastwood, who filmed a move there. BUT, he IS related to Queen Elizabeth! Oh, wait - who cares about THAT?!?!? What about Charlemagne? Henry II? John Lackland? These do not float your boat, dear reader?? Oh, ALL RIGHT THEN, back to the story!!
Elmer and Edith are from large families, and both of their mothers die young - either in childbirth or shortly thereafter. Either for this reason, or maybe just that they both would prefer a much smaller family - or some other factor - miscarriages? Nick believes that it is the second reason, and she does not blame Edith for that one bit. NOT ONE BIT! Oh - anyway, there is only the small Bertie in the Elmer Young household. Even though his father is an auto mechanic, Bert has quite a bit of access to farm equipment, and gets his middle fingernail permanently split by some piece of equipment that Nick cannot remember even though Grandpa Bert told her more than once, and if anyone knows the answer please help Nick out!!!
Bert also at one point has a wolf pup for a pet - but eventually Elmer has to MOVE the pup to OTHER QUARTERS - no shooting of defenseless, rabid animals here, peeps! And just kidding on the rabid part!!
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