So I have developed a crush - well, a crush I have felt a bit here and there before, when this guy was obviously a major hunk. Yes, Alec Baldwin, it's YOU I am talking about! Look at Alec right here - GORGEOUS HUNK!!!

Gorgeous doesn't matter to me with Alec, though. Even though his eyes are beautiful, his mouth has that nice pout going on, he still has a really nice head of hair, and I could go on - all of these things MATTER NOT A TINY BIT!!

In fact, the older and more (pardon me Alec) out of shape he gets, the better I like him. Why?? Why?? I'LL TELL YOU WHY - the man is HILARIOUS and therefore I WANT TO HAVE HIS CHILDREN!!! Okay, MAYBE NOT SO MUCH, but Alec, I just want you to know that I think you are TOTALLY BRILLIANT, and if you ever wanted to hang out and maybe do your Marlon Brando or your Al Pacino, or
OMG - Tracy Morgan impressions for me, well, let's just say I would be a MOST APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE!!! Oh - and not in some crazy, stalker sort of way, I promise... no, honestly, I swear... But I love you much better now
than when you were always playing the
hottie - you are quite the Renaissance Man - wait - Man of Parts? Man of Means? Man Oh Man!!
xoxo, Alec Baldwin!!!
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