I got a fabulous idea from the awesome I Am Bossy, whose blog I adore and would steal every idea from if I could, but that would be illegal or something, so I won't. She rocks, people. But I need to find my own voice, right? Right! But would really love to speak it in 3rd person...
Anyhoo, back to the subject. Nick is telling the story of her grandparents' lives, as Nick is very into geneaology and history and all that, and she is again, totally stealing from Bossy whom again, she thinks ROCKS TOTALLY, etc etc...
The above photo is of Nick's grandma, whose real first name was Nellie - but thinking that sounded too much like the name of any given horse or cow, she went by her middle name, the lovely Louise. Nick believes that every little breeze seems to whisper Louise. That's an old song...Nick will try to keep to the subject here, promise!!
Nick's grandma Louise was an only child. And when Nick figures out how to get other pics in the right spots, she will add more. *frustration ensuing* So anyway, Louise was an only child whose dad entered the military when she was three, during WWI. At this point, Louise's parents look very happy. My next post will contain several pics of them, I promise - in uniform! Louise's mom, whose name is Esther, keeps her while Louise's dad, Leo, is in the Army - apparently at a desk job - he never went overseas. Which is strange, but Nick has no clue as to why...
Louise's mom, Esther, has a grandmother, a father and a younger brother, but no mother. There are two stories about this: one, that Esther's mom may have run off with the circus (!), or two, that she merely died young. You can pick which one you like unless Nick hears anything different. Nick likes the circus story - did her great-great-grandma actually PERFORM with the circus?? Did she ride bareback, or fly on the trapeze, or something?? Or did she love a circus performer and sew his costumes and live in a tent??
Esther's father (Albert) is a paper hanger whose father (Augustus) was alternately a harness maker and a cobbler, fyi. Nick just likes to get her readers the facts, the outlines, if you will. So the readers know who is who and what is what. Nick believes that Esther and Louise stay with Albert and Esther's grandmother (Emma) while Leo is in the Army, and there are a couple of pics, which again, Nick will post. Hey, tomorrow is ALL ABOUT the PICS, okay??
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