The Monkees was one of my Faves - and no, my crush was NOT on Davy Jones, it was on Peter Tork. Look at him here - such a hottie!! He was usually the goofy one, but not in this pic - hey!! :) That's one cutie patootie!!

The Courtship of Eddie's Father - another great one - I loved Bill Bixby so much in this I thought really fondly of him and wrote him a letter before he died of prostate cancer. I am sad he is gone - and why did he get a nose job later? Don't you think he has a perfectly nice nose? I think so.

Anyway, my grandma had tootsie rolls in a drawer in the kitchen. I think I snuck them sometimes - well, I'm pretty sure I did sneak them sometimes - okay, YES, I snuck them sometimes!
Mmmmmm - Kraft American cheese, cold out of the fridge - nuff said! I have an Australian friend who thought this was possibly the grossest cheese ever - kind of like rubber he thought. Hey, they guy eats EVERYTHING with "tomahto sauce" - or ketchup, as we say in AMERICAN English. So what does he know?? AUSTRALIANS! I'm just sayin'! :)
Okay, I know I got some foods mixed in with my media - this is the kiddie stuff - Captain Kangaroo - a classic! I loved Mr. Green Jeans, and the naughty Mr. Moose, who always dropped ping pong balls on everybody's head. Also I got to meet Captain Kangaroo once when we lived in Minneapolis - he signed a picture like this for me, too. He was the first celebrity I ever had up on my wall.
The Floppy Show. It was on every noon, and sometimes I got to watch it, but I had to ask. I would say, "Can I watch the Floppy Show?" and my grandpa would say, "What? The FLOOPY Show?" and I would say, "No, FLOPPY!" and we would go back and forth like that a few times, cause that's the way we rolled. On the Floppy Show they showed cartoons like this:

I learned so much of 1940's (and later) culture from these cartoons! And my grandpa knew all of the songs, like "The Blues in the Night". He loved music. He was a music lover. And like that.

This picture is NOT the way we made graham cracker cookies! We made them with vanilla frosting - either like below, or my mom would make it from scratch. Peeps, these are heavenly things! Especially if you let them sit out awhile, and the graham crackers absorb moisture from the frosting and get all soft - oo la la!!
Oyster crackers. Down in the bottom cupboards in my grandma's kitchen were things like this. I spent a lot of time inspecting these cupboards. There were also yucky things like cans of deviled ham, or tuna fish. But I liked the little devil-man and the beautiful mermaid on the cans - I liked the mermaid's commercial, too. Anyway, I could have these crackers in a little peach lustre Fire King ramekin. But not more than one ramekin full!
This was the root beer that was stocked in the pop machine right outside the motel's front door. You were only allowed one pop per day, but I think my cousins may have bent that rule when they visited. :) Now I say soda instead of pop, because I am a west coast girl - how did that happen?? Funny. Anyway, this is the BEST root beer I have EVER tasted!

Mmmm...I wish A & W still made baby burgers. I had to have mine plain, no ketchup or mustard - and I still like burgers that way from McDonald's - with cheese and nothing else.
My grandpa taught me to eat this cereal. Back then it was 40% Bran Flakes. He would say, "Hey, are you eating my cereal?!?!" probably to get me to eat it. Well played, Grandpa, well played. I still love it.
Creamy Jif peanut butter. Morning, noon, and night. Used to be the only sammie I would eat. Still awful tasty! I know, it's not organic. Even though most of the things I eat nowadays ARE organic, this is still the BEST peanut butter, in my humble opinion!
I do not know if they still make this bread since I don't live in the midwest anymore, but man - I used to love to eat it all by itself, and I used to bury my nose in a piece of it and suck in the wonderful bread smell. I used to have quite a sick relationship with white bread. Okay, that sounds bad - I mean, I ate it a LOT - just plain. Used to sneak it, and ruin my dinner.
Blackberry jam (not the weird apparent maple syrup on the plate - what's up with that?!?!) - I was a grape jelly girl until I tried you, blackberry jam. And I didn't want to try you, but my grandpa persuaded me. Now I am true only to you, blackberry jam.
Couldn't finish without this one. See how much that boy is loving his Franco-American spaghetti? I'm just sayin'!!!!
*DISCLAIMER* I just want to say, in case anyone OTHER than my family happens to read this blog and freak out, that I do not eat any of this stuff anymore, with the exception of blackberry jam and Jif Peanut butter, okay? xo

I learned so much of 1940's (and later) culture from these cartoons! And my grandpa knew all of the songs, like "The Blues in the Night". He loved music. He was a music lover. And like that.

This picture is NOT the way we made graham cracker cookies! We made them with vanilla frosting - either like below, or my mom would make it from scratch. Peeps, these are heavenly things! Especially if you let them sit out awhile, and the graham crackers absorb moisture from the frosting and get all soft - oo la la!!

Mmmm...I wish A & W still made baby burgers. I had to have mine plain, no ketchup or mustard - and I still like burgers that way from McDonald's - with cheese and nothing else.

*DISCLAIMER* I just want to say, in case anyone OTHER than my family happens to read this blog and freak out, that I do not eat any of this stuff anymore, with the exception of blackberry jam and Jif Peanut butter, okay? xo
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