anyway, Nick loves this picture, too - she thinks her Grandma Louise was a pretty cute little thing!
This is Bert at about 4 years old. He is SUCH a cute boy, don't you think?? He has beautiful big blue eyes that Nick wishes she had inherited. Nick inherited her father's color instead, and she tries to be okay with that. Nick's Grandpa Bert died when Nick was 20, so she doesn't know as much about his life as she does about Grandma Louise's. Nick was not yet into pestering people over an over until they told all about their past, back then. Nick was way, way into herself and other bad things and people at that time. Nick is very sorry, and could she just sit down with Grandpa Bert once and talk about his life growing up? Just once, pretty please? Rats!
This is Bert with his puppy, and Nick really likes to think it is the famous wolf pup. Grandpa told Nick a story once about the wolf pup, something about sliding downhill (sledding, maybe), and something happened and something happened after that. Nick was a good listener when she was little, no?!?!?
These two are again of Grandpa Bert as a baby - he is just so darn cute, Nick can't resist putting them in here. There is another pic that Nick has which is sadly damaged, which shows baby Bert in the doctor's satchel. Yes, peeps, Bert was born way bacy when people still drove horses instead of cars, and the doctor used to make house calls! And this was in 1915! Crazy!

This is Bert and some of his buddies. He looks like kind of a rascal, doesn't he? His family life is much more stable than Louise's - his parents have a good marriage. Although there IS the incident where Edith cracks a bowl of mashed potatoes over Elmer's head to teach him a lesson for complaining about her cooking. Nick really likes this story - go, Edith!! Now that Nick thinks about it, she has heard that Elmer was a little grumpy, maybe a bit hard to live with. But an excellent mechanic! Really, good with any sort of tool. He teaches Bert a lot about tools. Bert had some tools in his toolbox that Nick doesn't even know the use for!

This is Bert and some of his buddies. He looks like kind of a rascal, doesn't he? His family life is much more stable than Louise's - his parents have a good marriage. Although there IS the incident where Edith cracks a bowl of mashed potatoes over Elmer's head to teach him a lesson for complaining about her cooking. Nick really likes this story - go, Edith!! Now that Nick thinks about it, she has heard that Elmer was a little grumpy, maybe a bit hard to live with. But an excellent mechanic! Really, good with any sort of tool. He teaches Bert a lot about tools. Bert had some tools in his toolbox that Nick doesn't even know the use for!
The girl on the far left is Bert's cousin, Katherine. They are about a year apart in age. Even though Katherine's mother, Nida, is 10 years older than Edith, they are very close, and live near to each other for most of their lives.
Here is Bert on his wagon. Nick falls in love with Bert in every picture, every time. Cause he is just so darn cute!!!
Here is Bert in a George Washington-type pose, but that is not a cherry tree. Nick hopes not! Maybe Bert is really channeling Abraham Lincoln - or maybe he is just really doing his chores. Nick prefers a presidential reference, personally - just for the spice of it!
Here we have Edith and Bert - the caption says "waiting for the Mitchell to start" - remember what Nick said earlier about Elmer being an excellent mechanic? :) Nick is also digging Edith's outfit, especially the hat, and wondering if the family is maybe going camping or something? Or maybe a family trip - maybe to visit relatives somewhere? Maybe the hat is to help ward off sun and bugs and things - Nick is pretty sure Edith's hair is really long. Nick wonders where people go camping in Iowa, anyway?
This is Edith reading, and Nick has always wondered what the book is. Tomorrow Nick is going to tell a little backstory about Edith's family - but right now, Nick is going to enjoy this picture, another one of her favorites. Have a great day, peeps!

Here we have Edith and Bert - the caption says "waiting for the Mitchell to start" - remember what Nick said earlier about Elmer being an excellent mechanic? :) Nick is also digging Edith's outfit, especially the hat, and wondering if the family is maybe going camping or something? Or maybe a family trip - maybe to visit relatives somewhere? Maybe the hat is to help ward off sun and bugs and things - Nick is pretty sure Edith's hair is really long. Nick wonders where people go camping in Iowa, anyway?


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